Term 1, Week 5

Welcome to week 5.

I hope everyone survived the windy weekend. What an awesome day Sunday was. I played cricket for DCC B grade and we won so into the GF in a couple of weeks. Yeww.

Ash Wednesday:
On Wednesday as a group we will be celebrating a class liturgy in which we mark the start of Lent. 
Students will have ashes sprinkled on the top of their heads rather than a cross placed on their forehead.

Character Strength of the week
Fairness. This is a great prompt for the dinner table, ask your child for times when they say fairness in action, either in themselves or others. Fairness is treating people justly, not letting your personal feelings bias your decisions about others. 
You want to give everyone a fair chance, and believe there should be equal opportunity for all, though you also realize that what is fair for one person might not be fair for another.

Fairness is a cognitive judgment capacity that involves reasoning and making judgments. It involves 2 types of reasoning:
  • Justice reasoning which emphasizes logic and weighing principles to determine moral rights and responsibilities.
  • Care reasoning which includes empathy and compassion; the ability to put yourself in somebody else's shoes.
Favourite Place Photo:
If you still need to send this to your child, please email it to them directly. If you open their Mail App, will see their email address that you can use to send it to them directly.

Merit Award:
Congratulations to Avya and Jobe for receiving a merit award this week. Well done peeps! 

Last week was a tough one...I had multiple students that had not completed all or any of their homework, additionally reading logs on One Note had not been filled in or commented upon. Please ensure this is a positive comment that supports your child's enjoyment in reading.

We would like to avoid having to print a hard copy of a reading log, but if this is not filled in we may do so.

If anyone is struggle to do this, could they please let me know and I will get in touch to help sort it out.


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