Term 4, Week 1
evening everyone!!
pumped?!?!? I know I am! I hope that everyone had an excellent break. I went up
to Coral Bay for the first time. Can’t believe that I haven’t been there before! Such a wicked place.
Taste of SMMC:
Just a reminder that all Year 4
students will be heading off on Friday to experience some of the delights of
SMMC. If your child has not returned their permission slip and you need another
copy, please let me know and I will send one home with your child on Monday.
If you can please take a moment to
remind your child to clean out their pencil cases and check if they are missing
Please also remind your child to pop
them on charge ready for tomorrow and we will need them everyday.
Summer Uniform:
Not that it feels like it but we are
back in summer uniform as of Monday. There is a two week swap over period so
long pants are still welcome as the weather is still cool!
Please make sure that your
child has a hat that stays in their school bag - this was a major
issue towards the end of last term and just creates stress for them as they
aren't able to go down to the oval, basketball courts or nature playground
A few dates for your diary...
- 11th October - Term 4 Commences
- 21st October - Interschool Athletics Carnival -
- 29th October - Grandparents Day: Tours and Morning Tea.
- 5th November - Year 4 Performance Assembly
- 1st - 5th November - Wellbeing Week: The students will take part in
a variety of Wellbeing focused activities.
- 12th November - Pupil Free Day
- 24th November - OLC AGM: All parents are welcome to attend.
- 7th December - Christmas Concert @ 5.30pm.
- 10th December - Colour Run and Conclusion of Term 4.
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