Term 1, Week 3

Good afternoon and welcome to week 3!
I hope that everyone had an awesome weekend with the weather being absolutely

Please make sure that homework is completed for Friday morning. I noticed that many homework grids were not signed. Could you please go over the grid with your child each week and sign it before Friday morning.

PAT Testing:
This week we will begin our series of formal PAT assessments which will help further inform our understanding of your child's learning needs, as well as guide groupings within the classroom. The students will be noting in their homework book the days these tests will take place. They do not need to prepare for these in any way, however it is important that they get a good night's rest each day to ensure they are refreshed and ready.

These were an item on our book list and are necessary. If your child did not receive them or bring them in can you please organise a set to come in as soon as possible. As our use of our laptops increases these are necessary.

Swimming Time Trials:
On Tuesday, the 23rd of February, Years 4, 5 & 6 will be departing school at 9am to travel to the Geographe Leisure Centre (Busselton) for the swimming carnival time trials. We will be returning to school by lunch time. 

Students will need to wear sport uniform (faction t-shirt) over their bathers. Sport shoes must be worn to school but a pair of thongs may be packed in your child's school bag to travel to and from the pool in. Students must bring in a plastic bag, a rashie, goggles, towel and a change of underwear.

Children will be taking their lunchboxes with us as Crunch and Sip and recess will be eaten at the pool. Lunch will be eaten when we return to school, therefore, if your child would like to order their lunch from the canteen they will still be able to. Please check your child has filled their water bottle on Tuesday morning.

Absence:I will be attending a Wellbeing in Schools Course on Thursday in Bunbury. Miss Kyla P will be in to cover my class for the day.

Swimming Notes:
Last week, swimming forms (pink note) were sent home to be filled in, signed and returned in preparation for the upcoming swimming lessons beginning Week 6. Please ensure you return them as soon as possible. 

Bushfire Evacuation:
A bush fire evacuation drill will take place next Wednesday afternoon, 24th February. To ensure a simulated response, a time will not be released prior. Please be available, or have the emergency contact for your child ready to collect your child immediately after you receive the evacuation warning via sms next Wednesday afternoon.

All students need to be collected from their classrooms. The drive through services will not be functioning on that afternoon.

If your child will be collected by someone else during the drill, please call the school, immediately after receiving the SMS warning to inform them of who will be collecting your children.



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