Term 4, Week 5

Welcome to Week 5!

What a beautiful weekend! Absolute shame about today. What a wonderful mass we had yesterday for the First Holy Communion. I would just like to thank everyone for preparing their children for the sacrament. I was so happy to be apart of the day and the children were amazing!

On Friday, we attended the Adoration that Fr Francis organised. This was a beautiful opportunity for the students to take some time out of their week to express their gratitude and respect for the blessings in their lives. Like everything else...they participated in this with great care and reverence.

Eucharist Certificates & Cupcakes:
Friday 13th November at 10am. 

Students are welcome to take home their books to review!
  • Fractions Test – Friday 13th November
  • Religion Test - Thursday 12th November.
Uthando Dolls:
Is back to its usual time of 1.45 - 2.45pm on Thursday afternoon. This week, our goal is to ensure all hair is firmly secured, eyes and mouths are securely sewn on and we are moving on to making undies!
This has been an awesome experience and thank you to those parents that have come into help during these sessions.


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