Term 1 Week 3
to Week 3 everyone,
is the first blog of the year and I am very excited to have your wonderful children
this year.
has been a great start to the year and can believe that we have had 2 full weeks
you need to email me about anything please feel free to do so at benjamin.danaher@cewa.edu.au
Incursion/Excursion Notes and Swimming
If there
is anyone that has not returned their incursion or excursion notes, we have
some spares in the classroom if you would like to fill one in, otherwise, it
was included in the last newsletter for you to fill out and print at home.
Swimming notes are also required back ASAP, if you need another one, please
come and see me.
School AGM:
A reminder that all parents are encouraged to attend the school
AGM on Wednesday night beginning at 7pm in the hall...Mr Lee is a stickler for
time and assures us we will be out of there by 7.59pm! This is a great chance
to hear what is happening in the school and to volunteer for any positions! The
P&F is still looking for members!
- Week 3
Our homework grid is to be completed over the week
from Monday to Thursday and is due in on Friday morning to be checked. If you
can please make sure that your child has chased you around the house so you can
sign their grid, I would be most appreciative!
Our Learning:
Monday we joined 4DEL to make catapults for design technologies. It was an awesome
lesson seeing all the students working together to understand how different materials
create better catapults. Below are some photos of the students during the lesson.
Once again, I thank you for a fantastic start to the term!
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