Term 4, Week 6
to week 6!
can NOT believe there is only 4 weeks left! Insane how this year has gone!
First Eucharist Certificates:
Friday the students received their certificates which were handed out by Father
Francis and Mr Lee.
Star Citizen:
to Alexandra who received the Star Citizen award for Excellence at Fridays
assembly. Awesome work Alexandra!
Vinnies Hamper Appeal:
is a fantastic initiative that our school does every year in which we as a
school community are asked to donate an item or two that can be used to help
out some local families.
Year 4's are being asked to donate toiletry items such as
shampoo/conditioner, toothpaste, tooth brushes, hair lackeys etc.
Uthando Dolls:
to the Scitech Incursion this week, we have had to change our session time to 8.45 - 9.45am...we would love to have you if
you are free!
will be spending the next two 2 weeks working on clothes and additional items
such as a bag or a bit of bling for the dolls. Hopefully all students will have
their dolls completed in Weeks 6 & & and then in Week 8 we are hoping
that we can have some parent volunteers to come in and do some Quality Control
on the finished product. If someone is happy to coordinate a date and time for
this we would be very grateful! This would be an adult's only opportunity to
tighten a stitch or two...!
School Disco:
on this Friday 20th November beginning at 5pm. Your child brought a note home
about this last week.
Pupil Free Day:
reminder that Monday 23rd November will be a pupil free day for the students.
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