Term 3, Week 8
Welcome to week 8,
I hope every dad had a great day
yesterday and didn’t get blown away by the wind and rain.
Merit Awards:
Congrats to Hamish
and Joel who have received a merit award in class over the last couple of
weeks. Well done Lads! Sorry about the lighting Joely.
School Photos:
These are
on this week on Thursday and Friday. Can’t wait to see everyone looking their
best. I will be……as always haha.
Walkie, Wheelie,
Waste Free Wednesday:
We had a fantastic turn out last week, and it is such
an awesome initiative. We are on again this week if you can assist your child
with walking or wheeling and bringing a waste free lunch Thank you for your
Uthando Dolls:
You may have heard of
this amazing initiative that we have undertaken in Year 4 the last 3
years. We are super excited to announce that we will be working on these again
starting next term. This is a massive undertaking and we are in need of your
help! If you are a sewer, expert child wrangler, cutter or closet fashion
designer then WE NEED YOU!
Check out
the link to see the amazing work that is being done!
Starting next term, each
Thursday afternoon we will be working on our dolls. They come from HQ
ready to go but we will need to machine sew them together before the students
can start to create them.
If any parents or grandparents
are able to commit to helping each week or some weeks, we would love to have
you come in. This project is impossible to undertake without parental help...Caitlin
can only sew so much!
If you are able to assist (it
doesn't have to be every week) please let me know!
Our persuasive writing unit has
just finished, and the students have produced some great pieces on Country Life
is better than City life, All families should own a pet as well as …is the best
season. This was a fantastic unit of work and the students were really engaged
in the process and made sure they used the structure correctly and persuasive
devices correctly. Below are some good copies that are hanging up in the room.
Last week in Friendology, we looked
at the differences between ‘Mean on Purpose’ behaviours and ‘Kind on Purpose’
behaviours. We discussed why it is definitely better to be Kind on Purpose and
how we can shows this purposeful behaviours through out thoughts, words and
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