Term 1, Week 3
Welcome to week 9. Congratulations to all Communicants on receiving their First Eucharist on Saturday night. They looked fantastic and were extremely reverent and respectful through out the evening. First Eucharist : We had the most amazing experience this morning celebrating Monoa, Lexi, Ayva, Caleb, Patch, Max, Adele and Isla as they received Eucharist for the first time. Merit Award: Well done to Will for receiving our classes merit award this week. Pupil Free Day : A reminder that students finish Term 1 on Thursday 7th April. Triathlon: I f your child is interested in participating, please access the following link to find out more information on how to register; SUNSMART KIDS TRIATHLON - Busselton Festival of Triathlon We had some fantastic triathletes come to our school and speak to the students so I have seen that many are feeling rather inspired.