
Showing posts from October, 2021

Term 4, Week 4

Welcome to Week 4!! Melbourne Cup on Tuesday! You beauty! I hope everyone had a ripper weekend! Beautiful weather! If you were down at the RAC Margies caravan park I hope you have recovered. Wellbeing Week : This week marks the first of our OLC Wellbeing Week. There will be a focus each day on a different kind of activity that can help to promote positive we know exercising, eating and sleeping well are all super important ways to keep us feeling happy and healthy on the inside as well as the outside.  We will be completing a variety of activities over the week to help prompt the students to think about what they like to do and offer them strategies for when they are feeling a little low in their wellbeing. On Monday, Miss Isobel Christie has very kindly offered her yoga skills to run a session with each class -  Students to wear sports uniform please. On Wednesday, Mrs Heather Starr will be running a Sound therapy session with bot...

Term 4, Week 3

Welcome to Week 3 everyone, This last term seems to be going sooooo quickly. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Interschool Carnival: Congrats to the students from 4DAN that competed in the Interschool sports carnival on Thursday. From all reports it was a great day and few little legends in our class smashed their races or events. Below are a few snaps from the day. Grandparents Day 2021 : We are super excited to welcome our grandparents back to school on Friday 29th October beginning at 1.45pm for a walk around/show and tell style afternoon before joining us for assembly beginning at 2.10pm with the 1K assembly. Please make sure that you have spread the word, it would be wonderful to see as many grandparents as possible. Year 4 Assembly: The Year 4's are combining forces to present a joint assembly item on  Friday 5th November . This is perfect timing as it ties in brilliantly with our planned Wellbeing Week. We would love for you to join us if you are able to, assembly...

Term 4, Week 1

Good evening everyone!! Who’s pumped?!?!? I know I am! I hope that everyone had an excellent break. I went up to Coral Bay for the first time. Can’t believe that I haven’t been there before! Such a wicked place. Taste of SMMC : Just a reminder that all Year 4 students will be heading off on Friday to experience some of the delights of SMMC. If your child has not returned their permission slip and you need another copy, please let me know and I will send one home with your child on Monday. Stationery: If you can please take a moment to remind your child to clean out their pencil cases and check if they are missing anything. Laptops: Please also remind your child to pop them on charge ready for tomorrow and we will need them everyday.  Summer Uniform : Not that it feels like it but we are back in summer uniform as of Monday. There is a two week swap over period so long pants are still welcome as the weather is still cool! Hats: Please make sure that  your child has a hat that st...