Term 2, Week 6
I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and stayed as dry as they could. I heard the Dunsborough Phoenix had a good win on the weekend. Eucharist Parent Workshop: Is on this Tuesday 25th May beginning at 5.30pm in the Hall. ALL candidates that will be receiving the sacrament are expected to attend. Please note our Commitment Mass for the Sacrament is on Saturday 12th June at 6pm at OLOTSC Church. ALL families are expected to attend as a gesture of support and it is also our Year 4 family mass. Excursion: We will be off on excursion to Eagle Heritage Wildlife Centre down in Margaret River on Thursday 3rd June. A permission slip with additional details will be sent home with your child tomorrow. Character Strength of the Week : This week are looking at the Character Strength of Bravery...we started a great activity last week in which we looked at the cross section of strengths that exist within our class and I am hoping to encourage the students to spot their classmates using their strengt...