
Showing posts from February, 2021

Term 1, Week 3

G ood afternoon and welcome to week 3! I hope that everyone had an awesome weekend with the weather being absolutely marvellous ! Homework: Please make sure that homework is completed for Friday morning. I noticed that many homework grids were not signed. Could you please go over the grid with your child each week and sign it before Friday morning. PAT Testing: This week we will begin our series of formal PAT assessments which will help further inform our understanding of your child's learning needs, as well as guide groupings within the classroom. The students will be noting in their homework book the days these tests will take place. They do not need to prepare for these in any way, however it is important that they get a good night's rest each day to ensure they are refreshed and ready. Headphones : These were an item on our book list and are necessary. If your child did not receive them or bring them in can you please organise a set to come in as soon as possible. As ...

Parent Information Night

Dear Parents,  What an great first week we had!  Welcome to the 2021 parent information night for Year Four. This year it looks a little bit different due  to the COVID19 restrictions. The parent information night will be held digitally this year. Please find below an informative video for you to listen and learn about the upcoming year at OLC. Underneath this link, you will also find a link to the PowerPoint with a bit more information in greater depth. If you do have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW: Year 4 Parent Information Night Video Year 4 Parent Information Night PowerPoint Thank you for all the support. Ben Danaher

Welcome to Year 4!!

Good afternoon welcome to Year 4!! We finally get to say it! I hope everyone that everyone survived the lockdown with their families! Personally, I can’t wait to get back into it on Monday! Class Timetable: If you would like to know our timetable for Term 1, please click on the link below: 4DAN Timetable T1 2021 Uniform/Specialist Timetable: Monday: Summer Uniform (please see school website for guidelines) Tuesday: Sport Uniform - Physical Education with Mrs Sinclair Wednesday: Indonesian with Mrs Kartana Thursday: H.A.S.S. with Mr Sherborne Library Book Swap  (Your child will need a library bag on this day)  Friday: Dance with Mrs Haines Class sport - Sport Uniform Names: Please ensure that all personal items (hats, drink bottles, lunch boxes, uniforms, crunch & sip containers, etc) belonging to your child are labelled to avoid losing items!  Email: Communication is extremely important to me and if you would like to get in contact, I am always availa...