
Showing posts from July, 2020

Term 3, Week 2

Welcome to Week 3 everyone! Just like that, we are back. Was great to hear the stories of the students that were lucky enough to head up north during the break! It is also wonderful to hear the weekend sport stories!! Glad that all the weekend sport is back!! Cross Country : Is on this Thursday 30th July at Bunbury Grammar. Please check Mrs Sinclair's note for details on departure times and any items needed. Our Learning: Literacy: In writing, we have been learning about the structure needed to make a really good persuasive text. We are likening our texts to a really good hamburger...the students engaged with this really well and this imagery helps them to understand that their reader doesn't want to be disappointed with their order! Our reading group activities are also focused on reading good examples of persuasive texts in a variety of forms. Numeracy: Our maths lessons this week have been focused on time, looking at the parts of the clock (...